Holz Her Edge Bander - second hand not available

Machine number 6048


Holz Her


1317 Sprint


Edge Processing Machines



This machine is not available anymore.

We hope one of the following machines fits your needs:

Holz Her Edge Bander - second hand 1317 Sprint main picture not available


Edge Bander
make Holz-Her
type 1317 Sprint

built 2003

equipped with:
glue cartridge system + funnel for granulate
pressure zone
2 cross cut saw units
milling unit flush / radius adjustable via axis in the programme
corner copy unit
radius scraper
flat scraper

Pictures of Edge Bander - second hand

  • Holz Her Edge Bander - second hand 1317 Sprint (1)
  • Holz Her Edge Bander - second hand 1317 Sprint (2)
  • Holz Her Edge Bander - second hand 1317 Sprint (3)
  • Holz Her Edge Bander - second hand 1317 Sprint (4)
  • Holz Her Edge Bander - second hand 1317 Sprint (5)
  • Holz Her Edge Bander - second hand 1317 Sprint (6)
  • Holz Her Edge Bander - second hand 1317 Sprint (7)
  • Holz Her Edge Bander - second hand 1317 Sprint (8)
  • Holz Her Edge Bander - second hand 1317 Sprint (9)
  • Holz Her Edge Bander - second hand 1317 Sprint (10)
  • Holz Her Edge Bander - second hand 1317 Sprint (11)